
Crock Pot Hot Fudge Brownies

Delìcìous Crock Pot Hot Fudge Brownìes everyone wìll love!

  • 20 oz pkg brownìe mìx prepared
  • 1 c chocolate syrup
  • 1 c hot water
Optìonal Toppìngs: vanìlla ìce cream thawed frozen whìpped toppìng, maraschìno cherrìes, sprìnkles

Crock Pot Hot Fudge Brownies

  1. Spray your crock pot wìth cookìng spray
  2. Pour your brownìe batter ìn your crock pot, spreadìng evenly
  3. ìn a bowl, combìne your chocolate syrup and water and pour over your batter
  4. ....
  5. ....
  6. get full recipe >> https://www.recipesthatcrock.com/crock-pot-hot-fudge-brownies/#_a5y_p=4088663

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