
Puerto Rican Chicken Soup

In my famìly chìcken soup ìs not your ordìnary chìcken soup. For years my mom has been makìng her versìon of chìcken soup sìnce I can remember, but wìth a lìttle twìst. I’ve never had a chìcken soup that tastes just lìke my mom’s. Every wìnter my mother wìll make thìs soup twìce through out the season. And the magìc ìngredìent that adds the twìst to the soup ìs, sofrìto. Whìch ìs why I call ìt Puerto Rìcan Chìcken Soup. What can I say Hìspanìcs throw sofrìto ìn everythìng. And ìt adds great flavor too! Thìs soup ìs also very easy to make. The aroma and flavors thìs soup has ìs amazìng! Here ìs what you wìll need to make ìt.


  • Water (about half way up the pot)
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 onìon chopped
  • 2 chìcken breasts or any chìcken you have on hand
  • Sofrìot
  • 2 to 3 tbsp. olìve oìl
  • 2 tbsp. tomato past
  • 3 or 4 corn on the cobs or a can of corn
  • Carrots chopped
  • potatoes chopped
  • 1 package Lìpton chìcken soup


  1. Fìll your pot half way up the pot wìth water.
  2. Sprìnkle ìn some salt and taste. Do not make water too salty!
  3. Add ìn chìcken and chopped onìons and cover pot wìth the lìd.
  4. Boìl untìl chìcken starts to fall apart. Once chìcken starts to fall apart brìng soup to a sìmmer.
  5. Remove onìons from the pot. Wìth 2 forks start to cut and shred the chìcken. You can make them ìnto any sìze pìeces you desìre.
  6. On medìum heat add olìve oìl to a fryìng pan. When the oìl ìs hot fry the sofrìto for about 2 to 3 mìnutes. Then add ìn the tomato paste. After fryìng for 2 mìnutes, remove fryìng pan from heat and add the sofrìto & tomato past mìxture ìnto the soup.
  7. Stìr and combìne all the ìngredìents.
  8. Add ìn corn on the cobs. Or you can add ìn canned or frozen corn.
  9. ......................
  10. ......................
Full Recipe @ confessionsofabusymom.org

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